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Seneca County Jail is one of the last ICE jailers in Ohio, and its leaders are following the models of Morrow and Butler Counties. They skimp on services they are REQUIRED to provide like, you know, medical care, and keep the “excess” as profit.

Following are three civil rights complaints filed on behalf of people detained in Seneca for ICE.

October 2021: Freedom For Immigrants on Behalf of Gabino Medina

February 2022: Freedom For Immigrants and Ohio Immigrant Alliance on Behalf of 11 People

June 2022: Freedom For Immigrants, Ohio Immigrant Visitation, and Ohio Immigrant Alliance on Behalf of Antony Martinez

Sheriff Stevens fired off a testy email response to these complaints and additional feedback received from Ohioans, linking to an ICE inspection from 2021 that was conducted remotely and did not address any of the medical problems. He accused us of “spamming” his inbox and essentially called the people who filed these complaints “liars.”